In a state of intoxication, a man mistook a rare turtle for his enemy, attacked the 70-year-old creature with a knife!

In a state of intoxication, a man mistook a rare turtle for his enemy, attacked the 70-year-old creature with a knife!

Alcohol addiction forces a person to do all those things which he might never do if he was conscious. He loses his senses when he is drunk and sometimes he does such a thing which increases his troubles. But despite understanding all these things, a person does not leave alcohol and gets into trouble. The same happened in America with a man (Man attacked tortoise) who attacked a rare turtle in a drunken state, after which he was sentenced to jail.

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, in January 2021, a surprising incident happened at the Play and Learn Preschool located in East San Jose, USA. Here last year a man named George Robles attacked a turtle in a drunken state. This turtle named Michelangelo was 70 years old (Man attack 70 year old tortoise), which is a rare turtle of African sulcata species.

Tortoise was attacked considering it as an enemy
According to reports, the man was seen shouting and throwing things in the play school grounds by a neighbour. He was intoxicated and had gone with the intention of committing the theft. He suddenly saw a turtle, which the man took as his enemy considering it to be a strange thing and attacked him as well. He then uprooted the lower part of a wooden gate post and attacked the tortoise shell with it. Not only this, the man also attacked the turtle with a sharp object between its head and leg, which caused a deep wound. The animal was immediately taken to a nearby hospital and was taken care of over the last one year after which it is fine now.

man in jail
On the other hand, the person has been jailed for 2 years and has been banned from rearing animals for the next 10 years. Along with this, taking drugs or intoxicants has also been banned. It was told in the report that after injuring the turtle, the man returned to the school after two days from where he stole some electrical equipment and also damaged the building.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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